the first 7´ "schokoladenwürger" was released on their own label SPARGEL SCHALLPLATTEN in 1980. in the same year they also released the one-sided 7´ "sandra lee".
the band was founded in 1979 and a member played in DER MODERNE MANN later on...
there is another 7´ on the NO FUN records label... but i have no clue how to get it... so please help!
DOWNLOAD schokoladenwürger
DOWNLOAD sandra lee
1 Kommentar:
phosphor released no single but an whole album on no fun records, but it doesn't sound much like punk. in fact they did 2 sessions, the first one with all their punk-stuff and the second one just 1 week later they recorded experimental stuff with synthesizers, saxophones and walkie talkies. in the end all the stuff from the second session ended on the album and only a few tracks from the first one. so later on they released the sandra lee-single, but tracks like vuodatta kaste will probably remain in the vault forever. by the way: Der Deutsche Erdbeerkuchen also comes from the second session. he later joined Index Sign with the guitar player from Phosphor, but the bass player moved on to Der Moderne Man, Beatklub, Smarties and Gigantor
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