yes! another classic band from hannover. they started in 1979 and split up in 1982. they released the "keine zukunft" 7´ in 1981 on the NO NORDSTADT record label. 1000 copies were made and i think this one is really hard to get.

wixer from BLITZKRIEG started KLISCHEE and BOSKOPS later on and he´s still very proud of it...harhar... and still he sits in his rehearsal-room keeping on doin strange music... in his white cowboy-dress...weird...
the folder contains the tracks from the 7´, live tracks (incl. a HANS A PLAST cover of "rock n roll freitag") and some compilation tracks.
3 Kommentare:
can you please re-up this one? by the way: it was Peter Ahlers who started Klischee, not Wixer. and lost & found released a compilation with a lot of live- and demo-tracks although i think it doesn't include the tracks from the kz36-album - and it differs from the blitzkrieg-mc "wer schneller schießt lebt länger"
Hallo (ich sprech mal deutsch...), könntest du die Blitzkrieg nochmal hochladen..such sie schon irre lange (hatte sie selbst mal, brauchte dann aber Geld und zu der Zeit war noch nix mit mp3´s). Bitte, bitte...
ohhhhhhhh, auch ge-re-upt haben will, bitte!!!! wie geil ist denn das?
man, da gehn wir glatt ans regal und zerren alte hannover scheiben raus, enola gay, haha, da tanzen hier gleich die puppen!
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