oh dear. what a name. no. this not a nazi-band or something like that... it´s karl nagel´s first try do something like a band... but who the fuck is karl nagel? i think he likes himself... to me he is an idiot... harhar. if you want some information about him please click
here. he was quite active in the punk-scene and formed later on the "spirit family collective" and played in several other bands like MILITANT MOTHERS, MORBID OUTBURST, PREUSSENS GLORIA... nevermind.
the recordings are demos and live-takes. the band never released a 7´or lp. they later changed their name into PREUSSENS GLORIA. cult or rubbish... it´s your choice...
2 Kommentare:
moin moin, welche original reihenfolge haben denn die tracks auf dem tape? wäre gut zu wissen. prost!
mehr musikalische verbrechen von karl nagel hier
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