yeah! first "deutschpunk" post. KLISCHEE are a classic in the history of punk in hannover.
i could not find much on the internet about this band. so if someone has some more let me know.
i just know that this lp was released in 1981 on FROSTSCHUTZ. this label released a lot of other hannover stuff like BOSKOPS or the UJZ KORN LIVE compilation. in the folder are more tracks than on the lp. these tracks are from the "das war der wilde westen" single (released on DINGENSKIRCHEN in 1983).

one of the members played in ABSTÜRZENDE BRIEFTAUBEN... a funpunk band from hannover, which were quite popular. later on he joined RASTA KNAST & LEGAL KRIMINAL.
another member got fucked by drugs in 1990...
the original tracks on the lp were:
Normalzustand/Kein Hirn/Krieg in den Städten/Verboten/Wozu/Piefelreggae/Beamtentanz/Ich will hier raus/Schickeriaschweine/Bonzen/Nazis raus/In der Nacht/Ersatz/Heil Satan (Part 1+2)/Neonghetto/Schlag zu/Dalli dalli
1 Kommentar:
konrad k hat 1994 eine cd mit dem gesamtwerk von klischee herausgebracht, darunter auch die aufnahmen von korn-live sampler und einige demo-aufnahmen. einen nachruf auf konrad k findest du hier
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